Command Reference

Glance through the Etlas command reference


The build command is runs the entire build process and does incremental rebuilding as much as it can. Prefer to use cabal.project to configure any changes instead of sending flags to this command if the configuration is permanent. Prefer to use cabal.project.local for temporary changes.


etlas build [TARGETS] [FLAGS]

  • [TARGETS] is an optional list of targets that follow the form below. If none are specified, by default it builds the library and executable components of all the local packages.
  • [FLAGS] is an optional list of flags listed below.

Specifying Targets

The build command accepts targets of the following form:

Target Form Description
[component-type] Build all components of the given type
[package-name] Build all the components of the given package
[package-name]:[component-type] Build all components of the given type in the given package
[package-name]:[component-type]:[component-name] Build the given component of the given package
all Build all components of all packages included in the build
all:[component-type] Build all components of the given type in all packages included in the build


etlas build mypackage

etlas build mypackage:exe:myexe

etlas build all:exe

Basic Flags

Flags Flag Type Description
-v, --verbose verbosity Control verbosity, higher level emits more messages
--dry-run switch-flag Do not install anything, only print what would be installed
--count-conflicts switch-flag Try to speed up solving by preferring goals that are involved in a lot of conflicts (default).
--independent-goals switch-flag Treat several goals on the command line as independent.

If several goals depend on the same package, different versions can be chosen.
--shadow-installed-packages switch-flag If multiple package instances of the same version are installed, treat all but one as shadowed.
--strong-flags switch-flag Do not defer flag choices.
--allow-boot-library-installs switch-flag Allow etlas to install base, ghc-prim, integer, and template-haskell.
--upgrade-dependencies switch-flag Pick the latest version for all dependencies, rather than trying to pick an installed version.
--dependencies-only switch-flag Install just the dependencies necessary to build the given packages
--one-shot switch-flag Do not record the packages in the world file.
--run-tests switch-flag Run package test suites during installation.
-j, --jobs num-cpus Run given number of jobs simultaneously.
--keep-going switch-flag After a build failure, continue to build other unaffected packages
--offline switch-flag Don't download packages from the Internet
--cabal-file filepath use this Cabal file
-f, --flags flag-specifier Perform flag assignment for the given flags
--constraint user-constraint Specify constraints on a package (version, installed/source, flags)
--preference=CONSTRAINT dependency-constraint Specify preferences (soft constraints) on the version of a package
--build-summary path-template Save build summaries to file
--build-log path-template Log all builds to file
--project-file filepath Set the name of the cabal.project file to search for in parent directories
--enable-uberjar-mode switch-flag Enable building a standalone JAR (uberjar)
--disable-uberjar-mode switch-flag Disable building a standalone JAR (uberjar)
-O, --enable-optimization optimization Build with optimization at the given level
--disable-optimization switch-flag Build without optimization
--enable-debug-info optimization Emit debug info according to the debugging level provided
--disable-debug-info switch-flag Don't emit debug info
--enable-deterministic switch-flag Enable being as deterministic as possible (used by the test suite)
--disable-deterministic switch-flag Disable being as as deterministic as possible (used by the test suite)
--enable-tests switch-flag Enable dependency checking and compilation for test suites listed in the package description file.
--disable-tests switch-flag Disable dependency checking and compilation for test suites listed in the package description file.
--enable-benchmarks switch-flag Enable dependency checking and compilation for benchmarks listed in the package description file.
--disable-benchmarks switch-flag Disable dependency checking and compilation for benchmarks listed in the package description file.
--allow-newer scoped-packages Ignore upper bounds in all dependencies or those specified
--allow-older scoped-packages Ignore lower bounds in all dependencies or those specified
--enable-verify switch-flag Enable verification the generated JAR files
--disable-verify switch-flag Disable verification the generated JAR files

Installation Directories

Flags Flag Type Description
--prefix directory Set the prefix in preparation of installation
--bindir directory installation directory for executables
--libdir directory installation directory of libraries
--libsubdir directory subdirectory of libdir in which libs are installed
--dynlibdir directory installation directory for dynamic libraries
--libexecdir directory installation directory for dynamic executables
--datadir directory installation directory for read-only data
--datasubdir directory subdirectory of datadir in which data files are installed
--docdir directory installation directory for documentation
--htmldir directory installation directory for HTML documentation
--etadocdir directory installation directory for etadoc interfaces
--sysconfdir directory installation directory for configuration files


Flags Flag Type Description
--enable-documentation switch-flag Enable building of documentation
--disable-documentation switch-flag Disable building of documentation
--doc-index-file path-template Path to central index of API documentation
--docs-html switch-flag Generate HTML documentation (the default)
--docs-html-location url Location of HTML documentation for pre-requisite packages
--docs-executables switch-flag Run etadoc for executables targets
--docs-tests switch-flag Run etadoc for test suite targets
--docs-benchmarks switch-flag Run etadoc for benchmark targets
--docs-all switch-flag Run etadoc for all targets
--docs-internal switch-flag Run etadoc for internal modules and include all the symbols
--docs-css filepath Use the given path as the etadoc stylesheet
--docs-contents-location url Set the given URL as the location for the contents page