Advanced Features

Dive into features for specialized use cases


This entire section is devoted to taking you through all the available configuration options for a single package in its .cabal file.

A .cabal file consists of metadata fields and stanzas. The metadata field describe aspects of the package that do not affect how the package itself is built.

Field Types

The tables in the following subsections contain a Field Type column that describes what values are allowed. We describe the field types below.


A build type should always have the value Simple.


A boolean can either be True or False.


A dependency constraint is of the form [package-name] [version-range].


  • bytestring > 1.0.0
  • text >= 1.0.0 && < 2.0.0
  • binary == 1.0.0


A directory is a filepath that must necessarily point to a folder.


  • /usr/include


A valid Eta language extension. Prefix No to disable the extension.


  • DataKinds
  • NoDataKinds


A filepath is a valid path to a file on the filesystem.


  • /usr/include
  • hello/myfolder


A license can take one of the following values:

  • GPL-[version]
  • LGPL-[version]
  • AGPL-[version]
  • BSD2
  • BSD3
  • BSD4
  • ISC
  • MIT
  • MPL-[version]
  • Apache-[version]
  • AllRightsReserved
  • OtherLicense

It can also be any other string, but in that case, it has no special treatment from Etlas since it won't be recognized.


  • GPL-1.0
  • RandomLicense


A list is a whitespace-separated sequence of character sequences which are of type X. You can add any amount of whitespace, including newlines, before and after the commas.


  • /path1/path2 /path3/path4 (list[filepath])
  • 4.5.6 7.8.9 (list[version])


A comma list is a comma-separated sequence of character sequences which are of type X. You can add any amount of whitespace, including newlines, between Xs.


  • /path1/path2 , /path3/path4 (list[filepath])
  •, 4.5.6, 7.8.9 (list[version])


A module is a . separated sequence of alphanumeric character sequences that begin with a capital letter.


  • MyModule
  • Hello.World
  • A.B.C


A Maven dependency is of the form [group-id]:[artifact-id]:[version] where

  • [group-id] is the group ID of the Maven artifact
  • [artifact-id] is the artifact ID of the Maven artifact
  • [version] is the version of the Maven artifact


  • org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.7


A Maven repository is a location which Etlas can use to resolve a Maven dependency. It can be a URL or one of the keywords listed below.

Keyword Maven Repository URL

  • [type] should be one of public, snapshots, or releases.
  • [owner] should be the owner of the repository and [repo] should be the name of the Bintray repository.

NOTE: If you need to access a Maven repository that requires credentials, you can specify the URL in the form http://[user]:[pass]@[repo-url].


  • jcenter
  • central
  • bintray:theanilpaudel:android


A package name consists of alpha-numeric character sequences separated by -. Note that each alpha-numeric sequence must contain at least one alphabetic character.


  • sompackage
  • my-package
  • hello-123a
  • h123-package


A source repository type can be any one of the following:

  • git
  • mercurial
  • darcs
  • svn
  • cvs
  • bazaar
  • arch
  • monotone


A stability can be any character sequence that describes the stability of the package.


  • alpha
  • experimental
  • provisional
  • stable


A strict comma list is just like a comma-list except whitespace is not allowed before or after the comma.


  • /path1/path2,/path3/path4 (list[filepath])
  •,4.5.6,7.8.9 (list[version])


A test suite type describes the way a test should be run. Etlas only supports exitcode-stdio-1.0.


  • exitcode-stdio-1.0


A package executable is of the form [package-name]-[any] where [any] is the name of the executable.


  • alex:alex
  • happy:happy


A version consists of numeric sequences separated by ..


  • 1
  • 1.0.0
  • 12.1234.203


A version range consists of a comparison operator followed by a version

Comparison operators:

  • >=
  • >
  • <
  • <=
  • ==

The conjunction operator && can be used to combine multiple version-ranges.


  • >= 1.0
  • < 1.0 && > 0.5
  • == 1.0.0

Metadata Fields

Other than name, version, and build-type, every other field is optional.

Field Field Type Description
name package-name Name of the package
version version Version of the package
cabal-version version-range Versions of the Cabal specifications supported
build-type build-type Type of build used by this package
license license License type that pertains to the package
license-file filepath Path to the license file
license-files list[filepath] List of paths to the license files that pertain to this package
copyright any Copyright notice with holder and years held
author any Author of the package
maintainer list[any] List contact information of maintainers of the package
stability stability Stability level of the package
homepage url Package homepage
bug-reports url URL where users should direct bug reports
package-url url Location of a source bundle for the package
synopsis any Short description of the package
description any Long description of the package
category any Category of the package
data-files list[filepath] List of files to be installed for runtime use by the package
data-dir directory Directory where Etlas looks for data files to install
extra-tmp-files list[filepath] List of additional files/directories to be removed by clean

Library Stanza

The library stanza starts with a library keyword and all the fields of the stanza must be indented underneath. There can only be one library in a package and the name is taken from the name metadata field above.

The library stanza should contain the following fields:

Field Field Type Description
exposed-modules list[module] A list of modules exported by this package

The library stanza supports the common fields below.


name: hello

  exposed-modules: Hello


The executable stanza starts with a executable keyword followed by the name of the executable and all the fields of the stanza must be indented underneath. There can any number of executables in a package.

The name of the executable can be anything, but it shouldn't contain spaces.

The executable stanza must contain the following fields:

Field Field Type Description
main-is filepath The path to the .hs file containing the Main module

The executable stanza supports the common fields below.


executable my-executable
  main-is: Main.hs

Test Suites

The test suite stanza starts with a test-suite keyword followed by the name of the test suite and all the fields of the stanza must be indented underneath. There can any number of test suites in a package.

The name of the test suite can be anything, but it shouldn't contain spaces.

The test suite stanza must contain the following fields:

Field Field Type Description
type test-suite-type Type of test suite to execute
main-is filepath Path to the .hs file containing the Main module

The test suite stanza supports the common fields below.


test-suite my-test-suite
  type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
  main-is: Main.hs

Common Fields

Common fields shared among library, executable, and test components for building and configuring those components.

Field Field Type Description
build-depends comma-list[dependency-constraint] List of dependencies required for this package
other-modules list[module] List of modules used by the component but not exposed to users
hs-source-dirs list[directory] Root directories for modules.

Default: .
default-extensions list[extension] List of language extensions used by every module
build-tool-depends list[package-executable] List of programs needed to build this component
buildable boolean Is the component buildable?

Default: True
eta-options list[any] Arguments for the Eta compiler
includes list[filepath] A list of header files to be sent to the Eta preprocessor
install-includes list[filepath] A list of header files from this package to be installed.
include-dirs list[directory] List of directories to search for header files for the Eta preprocessor
java-sources list[filepath] List of Java source file dependencies (.java, .class, .jar)
cpp-options list[any] Arguments for the Eta preprocessor
maven-depends list[maven-dependency] List of Maven dependencies
maven-repos list[maven-repo] List of Maven repositories for resolving Maven dependencies.

Default: central

Package Flags

You can declare conditional flags to allow users to build different flavors of your package depending on their need.

You can declare a flag with the flag keyword followed by the name of the flag. The fields allowed for a flag are listed in the table below.

Field Field Type Description
description any The description of this flag
default boolean The default value of the flag.

Default: True
manual boolean The value of the flag when the flag is passed as an argument to Etlas.

Default: False

Check out the section on Conditional Configuration for more information on how to use these flags.


flag developer
  description: operate in developer mode
  default: False
  manual: True

Source Repositories

You can declare the location of your package's source if it's losted in a source control management (SCM) system like Git, Mercurial, and so on.

You can declare a source repository with the source-repository keyword followed by either this or head.

The fields allowed for a source repository are listed in the table below.

Field Field Type Description
type source-repository-type Name of the SCM used for the repository
location url Location of the repository
branch any Branch for the respective SCM
tag any Tag for the respective SCM
subdir directory Subfolder of the repository that is a standalone Etlas package
module any Required for the CVS and should not be used otherwise


source-repository this
  type: git

Next Section

In the next section, we will learn how to configure our packages conditionally.