
A quickstart to Eta REPL


In this section, we'll cover all the commonly used features of the REPL.


Eta v0.8 or above

Start Up

You can fire up a REPL from anywhere with the following command:

$ etlas repl



You'll be greeted with a nice welcome message and then a prompt.

The text before the > will list all the modules in scope. This means that you can use any exported function or type from the listed modules. By default, Prelude is in scope, just as it would be in Eta modules written in text files.


Let's try an expression!

Prelude> "Hello" ++ " " ++ "World!"
"Hello World!"
it :: (Num a) => a

The result of evaluating the expression is printed using its Show instance. Then, the type of the expression is also printed. Note that the expression is bound to an implicit binder called it which you can use later.

Prelude> it
"Hello World!"
it :: [Char]

Prelude> replicate 10 'c'
it :: [Char]

Prelude> it
it :: [Char]

If an expression does not have a Show instance, the REPL throws an error.

Prelude> \x -> x + 1

<interactive>:2:1: error:
    No instance for (Show (a0 -> a0))
      (maybe you haven't applied enough arguments to a function?)
      arising from a use of 'print'
    In the first argument of 'print', namely 'it'
    In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it

IO Actions

If the expression is an IO action (of type IO a), then the REPL will evaluate the IO action and execute it!

Prelude> print "hello"
it :: ()

Note that the type of it is () and not IO () which is the type of the expression print "hello". This is because the IO action has been run and it is bound to the result of the action instead of the action itself, which is what we want most of the time.


Suppose we wanted to use the sort function defined in Data.List.

Prelude> sort [10,9..1]

<interactive>:2:1: error:
    Not in scope: 'sort'
    Perhaps you meant 'sqrt' (imported from Prelude)

Prelude> import Data.List

Prelude Data.List> sort [10,9..1]
it :: (Enum a, Num a, Ord a) => [a]

You can use the import statement to import modules into scope, just like in Eta code. Observe that Data.List was added before the >.

In the REPL, it's nice to unimport modules as well, so there's a more powerful syntax using the :module command. You can use :m for shorthand.

Adding Modules

You can add modules using :m +[module1] [module2] ... syntax.

Prelude Data.List> :m +Data.Monoid

Prelude Data.List Data.Monoid> "Hello" <> " " <> "World!"
"Hello World!"
it :: [Char]

Removing Modules

You can remove modules with :m -[module1] [module2] ....

Prelude Data.List Data.Monoid> :m -Data.List

Prelude Data.Monoid> sort [1..10]

<interactive>:19:1: error:
    Not in scope: 'sort'
    Perhaps you meant 'sqrt' (imported from Prelude)

Prelude Data.Monoid> [1..10] <> [11..20]
it :: (Enum t, Num t) => [t]

Restricting Modules

You can also specify exact what modules you want in scope with :m [module1] [module2] ....

Prelude Data.Monoid> :m Data.List Data.Char

Prelude Data.List Data.Char>

Note that Prelude is added to the list even though you didn't mention it. Because Prelude has all the commonly used methods, it is automatically added regardless of which :module command you use.

Next Section

In the next section, we will cover the different contexts in which you can use the REPL.